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Child Evangelism Fellowship® Northeast FL

 Serving Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties in Florida

CEF®  Northeast FL is part of the world’s largest children’s ministry, “Child Evangelism Fellowship”, a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in the local church for Christian living.

With more than 3,000 workers in nearly every country around the world, CEF had personal, individual ministry with more than 20 million children last year. To date, more than 200,000,000 children have been ministered to.

For over 80 years God has given CEF a number of unique ministries that have proven to be effective tools in our effort to evangelize and disciple children.

CEF has many different ministries for children, but the primary ones are the Good News Club® and the 5-Day Club®.

In the United States, an estimated 50-million young people are in public school each day. Many of these boys and girls are unchurched, come from broken homes, and have never heard a clear Gospel message. They represent one of the largest mission fields in the world today. Together, with your help, we can reach out to each boy and girl with the hope of Jesus Christ.

CEF is a faith-supported ministry. Support comes through local churches, organizations and individual believers who are led by God to faithfully pray, give financially or volunteer their time.

Matthew 19:14

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Our Strategy


Child Evangelism Fellowship is committed to training and developing volunteers on how to conduct effective and meaningful ministry to children. Our Bi-Annual Good News Club Conferences (September and January) prepare volunteers from local area churches for the Good News Club program. We also train and prepare students to serve in local missions through our Christian Youth in Action program. Our statewide and national locations also offer online and regional training classes for those desiring to dive deep into children's ministry. 


Once training is complete, our partners aren't left empty-handed. CEF equips each team with the needed materials to sponsor an after-school program. These Biblically- sound materials are produced by CEF Press. The materials include Bible Lessons, Song Music Videos, Small Group Activities, Game Resources, and colorful visuals (digital and print). Resources for children are also provided to assist them in furthering their walk with the Lord. In addition to the curriculum, CEF also provides our partners with practical materials for the organization and administration of the program. 


Ministry should never be done alone - nor is it fun! Each partner is assigned a Ministry Coordinator that will walk alongside them as the church impacts their community. Regular communication, site visits, and leadership meetings occur throughout the year to ensure each outreach is supported and cared for well. CEF's staff assist in onboarding new volunteers and handling the relationship between the church and CEF. 

Our Strategy

Our Vision

Our ministry vision is to reach

Every Child, Every School, Every Day.

Every Child:

God has given His people a clear commission—to reach every creature with the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our special mission in CEF is to evangelize every child. In the last ministry year our workers worldwide reached over 25.4 million children! CEF is committed to reaching 15 percent more each year. Strategic ministry choices such as Good News Club in public schools and concentrating on high potential growth countries will help us reach this goal.

 Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Every School:

CEF is a worldwide ministry serving in every region of the world in an ever expanding way.

Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.”

Every Day:

We are committed to leading children to be in God’s Word every day. As children grow in their relationship with the Lord through meditating on His Word, they develop godly character, which produces much fruit to the glory of God, including spreading the Gospel to their peers. We now have over 800,000 Wonder Devotional Books in Africa. Right now we are working to reach 500,000 children in Asia with the books.

Psalm 119:2, “Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”

Only as we trust in God and call upon Him are we empowered to do His will. Programs come after prayer, never before it.

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