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Prayer Partner
Prayer for the CEF® ministry is of utmost importance. It is the foundation on which this work is built. Prayer is the one thing everyone can do to be involved in reaching children with the Gospel. Please email our office at to be placed on a list to receive our email newsletter with valuable ministry updates and items for prayer.
Financial Partner
CEF is a faith supported ministry. We are dependent upon local churches and individual believers who are led by God to faithfully give financially to support this work. All staff persons are responsible to help raise chapter support. From time to time we have “special projects” that need funding as well. CEF is a charitable organization so all donations are tax-deductible.
To give by mail, make checks payable to Child Evangelism Fellowship to:
CEF Northeast FL
1543 Lakeland Hills Blvd.
Lakeland, FL 33805
To make an online donation now, simply click on the GIVE button below. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Volunteer Partner
Are you ready to make a difference? God can use you to reach boys and girls with the Gospel. We have many club volunteer opportunities. You might serve as a teacher or helper in one of the various club programs. Maybe you want to lead the music or pass out snacks to the children. All CEF volunteers are required to complete screening and a background check and sign our Statement of Faith. Once you decide you want to get involved, contact our office or your local Ministry Coordinator for these materials. We hope you’ll join with us in making a difference in the lives of boys and girls.
Church Partnership
This partnership is CEF and the local church working in close cooperation with the same vision, passion, and goal of carrying out the Great Commission. Together we become a powerful team in evangelizing and discipling children for Jesus Christ. This partnership is not just CEF training church workers and Church workers helping in CEF ministry. This partnership is for the common goal:
Fulfilling the Great Commission. It is CEF coming alongside the local church to help them reach their communities for Christ through evangelistic outreach to children. Helping children grow in Christ and become part of the local church and the church’s children’s programs. It is supporting the local church as they draw children from Good News Clubs and 5 Day Clubs into their local congregations.
Bringing families along with their children into the local church. Through the children, provide a conduit to families and communities. Help the local church grow and reach more unsaved people. Effectively evangelizing, disciplining, and establishing children in the local church.
For more information on how to develop a church partnership, please contact our office at,